Please join us on our journey to bring home our son, William Andrew Graham.

William Andrew Graham was born on August 8, 2006. His name given at birth was Ivan Vladimirovich Bychkov. He was born at 29 weeks in a local hospital in Novokuznetsk, Russia. His mother abandoned him at the hospital and has not been heard from since. At birth he weighed a little over 2 pounds and was 43 cm long. He came to the orphanage in Novokuznetsk in October of 2006. To our knowledge, he is a healthy 2 year old with some mild psycho-speech delays. We now begin our journey to bring home our son who will be known as Drew.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Update Day 14

Not a whole lot to update today! We went to the grocery store to buy some more bread, other than that we haven't done a whole lot of anything. We are getting a little crazy over here! We get to see Drew tomorrow, we leave at around 8 am and it takes all day. We bought him some matchbox cars and a ball to take him tomorrow. We can't leave it with him because the other kids will take it. We will get about 1 1/2 hours with him. Pray that he warms up to us a little better tomorrow. I hope when he sees us again that he will remember us and be a little more laid back. We will be able to pick him up for good on Monday. We will leave for Moscow on Wednesday morning and be there for a week. Thank all of you for the emails and blog comments. Only 2 weeks to go!!
Laura and Tim


  1. I think I finally figured out how to post a comment, only 2 weeks, not bad huh? Well the pressing questions that I and I'm sure everyone in the Western Hemisphere wants to know is...are you going to the bathroom? Important stuff...please don't forget in your boredom to take care of the normal daily functions! We hope the time passes quickly till you can be with Drew and especially until you get to take him with you. Hopefully he will remember you and warm up to you quickly. We are thinking about you and read your blog every day, we can't wait till all of you are back home. BTW, tell Tim I think Mitch Isaac and Jacob have ordered several new Peterbilts to add to the Graham fleet...but hey. it's just money :-) Keep smiling...and going to the bathroom....Darryl and Laura

  2. Hey! I'm very excited that you are about to see Drew again! Take more pictures! He is precious! I hope that he will warm up to you quickly today. I'm sure he will. We stole Anna Paige away last night. We took her to eat at my mom and dad's house. She is so funny! I can't believe how well she can sound words out. She was doing so good in the car last night. We couldn't belive that she even knew the "th" sound. Anyway, when we went to pick her up, she was sitting in the lawn chair with the little umbrella thing on it. Her legs were crossed at her ankles and her hands were behind her head. She was "relaxing, watching Papaw." She is hilarious. I took a picture of it. I will have to e-mail it to you. Well, I hope all goes well today. I can't wait to hear all about it! Miss you and love you guys! You're on the home stretch! That's exciting! Can't wait until your home and until we can meet the little stinker! Ashley

  3. Hey Timothy & laura, Sounds like bread is the meal of the day? Well just wait till you get back how good Donna's food will taste. Last night A.P. had a fit over all my shells I've collected every time I go to the beach so we sat down & I let her pick some out for her to take home. She was so excited! I told her where they all came from so I'm sure she will tell you when you get home! I'm glad you get to see Drew again in the morning, & I'm sure he will not forget you both! How could he forget anyone so crazy? Ha! Ha! It wont be long & he will be with you all the time. That will be so exciting for all of you. I really think A.P. is getting excited too! It was so cute last night when she told me to tell you to tell Drew in english she loved him. Sweet! She must get that from Aunt Jill... O.K. now for the weather, its still hot today, sunny, but chance of rain tommorow afternoon.umm, I'de make a good weather person huh? bye for now talk to you two world travelers later. Kiss Drew big! Love yas. Jill
