Please join us on our journey to bring home our son, William Andrew Graham.

William Andrew Graham was born on August 8, 2006. His name given at birth was Ivan Vladimirovich Bychkov. He was born at 29 weeks in a local hospital in Novokuznetsk, Russia. His mother abandoned him at the hospital and has not been heard from since. At birth he weighed a little over 2 pounds and was 43 cm long. He came to the orphanage in Novokuznetsk in October of 2006. To our knowledge, he is a healthy 2 year old with some mild psycho-speech delays. We now begin our journey to bring home our son who will be known as Drew.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Update Day 18

Only 3 more days in Kemerovo!! We leave in the morning to go to the police department for his new passport and to pick up his new birth certificate and adoption certificate! We have been walking a lot today and we actually ran into the other two couples that are also adopting. We went over to their apartment and spent about 3 hours just talking about what we had all been through. It sounds like we have all been through a lot! One of the couples came last year and their adoption did not go through!! So, this is the 5th time they have been here. The other couple had problems in court hearing. The maternal grandfather was still alive and had not "signed off" that the child could be adopted. So, it could be worse!! Everything for both of them is o.k. We are going to try to sleep tonight. We are a little nervous and excited at the same time! Tim is feeding me our supper, which is our version of ramen noodles, while I post on our blog! Such a sweetie!! Please continue to pray for Drew's transition to his new parents and his new life. It is going to be a big change for him! Love you guys
Tim and Laura


  1. Very exciting!! I can't wait until you have in your arms for good! I know it will be challenging and that you are a little worried, but once he feels the love you guys (and all of us for that matter) have for him, I'm sure he will do well. Y'all are doing such a wonderful thing!! I can't wait until you are all back home! It's not the same without you guys here!

    That's awesome that Anna Paige won the contest. I am not the least bit surprised! She is beautiful! What does she get?....Donna said something about some more photo shoots?

    Anyway...I'm very excited for you guys!!!...and a little nervous for you as well. I'm sure it will be challenging, but such a blessing! Love you guys....can't wait to hear from you again!

  2. Hey
    I am so pumped! It is 10 30 on sunday night and you are probably on your way to get your boy...WOW!! I can't believe it. And I am so proud of AP for winning the contest. I can't remember which picture you picked but I am sure I will see it. We love yall and can't wait to BBQ when yall get home. Love you tons

  3. Congrats to Anna Paige! Drew is lucky to be getting such a beautiful, smart Big sister! Hang in are on the downwards slope...May even have Drew by now. You are going to be blessed in so many ways. I think Drew will adjust just fine to his new loving family...Lucky little guy! Love you- Leigh

  4. Hey Guys! Donna wanted me to tell you that she loves you and misses you! She is leaving to go get Anna Paige. I'm sure she will talk to you soon! Hope all is going well! I can't wait to hear about it!
